Certification Rules: The VET21001 Protocol
VET21001 Protocol: Rules for an accredited certification scheme for ISO 21001 and EQAVET Implementations
The document on the left is a publicly available proprietary standard under validation and is open for comments. If you wish to contribute, please submit your comments by filling this commenting table and sending it to sandra@knowledgeinnovation.eu
As the document is based on ISO 17021-1:2015 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems — Part 1: Requirements, if you’re not familiar with it, you might need to get a copy at the ISO store.
The VET21001 Protocol was submitted to ISO by the Portuguese National Standardization Body (IPQ) for further development as an international technical specification. This new work item proposal was balloted internationally and approved by ISO members. It is currently being developed as ISO TS 21030 Educational organizations – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of educational organizations management systems by ISO CASCO/TC 232 JWG 58, a joint work group between CASCO, the ISO technical committee on conformity assessment and TC 232, the ISO technical committee on education and learning.
This deliverable is contributing to the United Nations Sustainable development Goals 4, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 16.