IPTrans – Loures Vocational School
Who are we?
IPTrans – Loures Vocational School is a private VET entity. AEPTL – Associação para o Ensino Profissional em Transportes e Logística (Transports and Logistics Vocational Education Association) is a non-profit organization which owns IPTrans. It was created by ANTRAM – the Portuguese road haulage association, FECTRANS- the labour union for transports and communications and by the Municipality of Loures, the three affiliated members.
It provides vocational secondary courses for young learners (12th degree and vocational qualification of level 4): transports, logistics, ICT, ground handling services, travel agencies and tourism and educational activities.
IPTrans also provides: level 2 education and training courses of storage operator, informatics and childcare.
IPTrans has 217 learners.
All its VET courses involve training on the job thanks to good connections with many of the most important companies in the region.
Since 2008, IPTrans offers recognition, validation and certification of scholar and vocational competences with equivalences to the 9th and the 12th degrees. The vocational competences are the ones of logistics operator, administrative assistant and children and youngsters carer (level 2) as well as logistics, administrative, secretariat and educational action technician (level 4). During 2018, we had 308 adults participating in our Centre and in 2019, 453.
IPTrans also cooperates with the Institute for Employment and Training.
AEPTL/IPTrans is affiliated in ANESPO, the national association for VET, and participates in the Sectoral Council for Qualifications on Transports and Logistics of the ANQEP – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education.
Why we are Participating in the Project
Being a VET School, IPTrans has to implement EQAVET – European Qualification Assessment for Vocational Education and Training, which is presently doing.
Therefore, the participation in a project which aims at making the connection between EQAVET and ISO 21001 is a logical option which can boost the quality process in our organization.
Our role in the project
AEPTL/IPTrans will lead, with AEVA, the activity aiming at the elaboration of a Curricula Design. This activity is included in IO4: “Mastering EQAVET” Curricula. This IO has to do with the following objectives: to increase curiosity, awareness, understanding, mastery and adoption of the EQAVET criteria by VET and HVET/PHE organizations; to grow the national qualification catalogues database and its usage; and to facilitate the mobility of EQAVET professionals across Europe and beyond, through facilitated recognition of their competences.
AEPTL/IPTrans, with ERIFO and AEVA, will also be responsible for the activity of creating a competency profile for Implementers, included in IO2: Competence Profiles for EQAVET Professionals. This IO has to do with the following objectives: to grow the national qualification catalogues database and its usage; and to facilitate the mobility of EQAVET professionals across Europe and beyond, through facilitated recognition of their competences.
Again with ERIFO and AEVA, IPTrans will lead the activity to validate the EQAVET+ Toolkit, included in IO5: “EQAVET+” – A Standardised Toolkit for Easy EQAVET Implementation. This IO has to do with the following objectives: to increase curiosity, awareness, understanding, mastery and adoption of the EQAVET criteria by VET and HVET/PHE organizations.
IPTrans will elaborate news to be published on our website, in the project website, social network (Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram) and newsletters. Also, it will distribute dissemination materials, such as flyers, postcards, brochures, etc..
IPTrans will also establish connections with all the Portuguese VET schools, namely in dialogue with ANESPO, the national association of VET schools.
Our Team
José Bourbon
Skills: General, VET, training certification, project, financial and administrative management; VET conception and implementation; management; Law; Communication; Teaching -Expertise: Participant in one ongoing Erasmus+ project (VETMO4TL – French agency) and in another recently concluded (VECTOR); Co-coordinating IPTrans participation in CLDS 3G – Local Contracts for Social Development; AEPTL/IPTrans Executive Director; Sectoral Council for Qualification “Transports and Logistics” member, representing ANESPO Past - ESCO – European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations - Sectoral Reference group for transports and logistics (EC) member; Teacher in IPTrans VET course of Transports Technician; Certification process of ANTRAM and AGEPOR (navigation agencies association) as training entities; Teacher in ENIDH’s (a tertiary level public school for polytechnic studies) Technological Specialization Course of Management of Road Transports of Goods; Elaboration of the competences referential for technician specialist in traffic management of heavy passenger vehicles; Management of several training programs for road haulages companies; General Council member of ENIDH; Member for the statutory assembly and for the writing commission of ENIDH’s statutes; ANTRAM’s Jurist, Administrative Director, General Secretary, Director of the Technical Studies Centre and Assessor for the Board of Direction; ANECRA, Portuguese association for motor trade and repairs, general secretary, responsible for the implementation of the training department.
Helena Nunes
Skills: 20 years of experience in training, management of social projects, corporate social responsibility and coordination of multidisciplinary teams in a multinational environment and 3rd sector; strong capacity for planning, implementation and evaluation of projects and ease of integration in a team; rigorous, methodical and focused on goals; leadership skills and adaptation capacities - Expertise: Executive Director - Technical / Pedagogical; Trainer / teacher; Coordinator of Vocational Course; Educational Advisor; Guidance and Vocational Aptitude Test jury member; Pedagogical Coordinator and CATL Technician (Free Time Activities Centre); Cultural Animator; Pedagogical Coordinator Parent Teacher Organization; Pedagogical Coordinator and Cultural Animator in Social Response Ludic Activity Center and Expressive - Private and Cooperative; Special education / regular education; Monitoring of CAO Social Response (Occupational Activities Centre); Monitoring of C.A.T.L. (Free Time Activities Centre).
Mariana Bispo
- Skills: Adult Training Coordinator (Centro Qualifica); Trainer of level II and III Competency Recognition, Validation and Certification (RVCC); teaching at basic and secondary level including VET courses; VET courses coordination; Setting-up and development of two training courses (level II and III) - Expertise: Coordination of VET entities departments; coordination of Tourism Technician courses (level IV), Technician of Travel and Transport Agency (level IV) and Technician of Traffic and Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training FormId KA202-C201468C Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00 EN 38 / 178 Assistance in Scale (level IV); Development of e-learning courses for adult education; Trainer of Adult Education and Training (EFA) courses; Geography teacher; Geography Trainer, Integration Area and Current World of Professional Courses (level II and IV).
Paula Almeida
Skills: Great comunication skills not only due to a vast experience in legal counseling to the consumers as a lawyer in DECO (Portuguese Association for the Consumer), and in a private office, but also as a college professor in ISCTEM ; good bonding abilities with teenagers and young adults by extensive contact with such age groups individuals in secondary and college teaching ; good coordenation , organization and leadership skills not only by leading a team of junior lawyers in DECO, but also by leading the study program of the Law degree in ISCTEM, teaching in IPTRANS and Centro Qualifica ; teamwork, determination and dynamism by integrating various teams in DECO, ISCTEM, IPTRANS and VET.
Expertise: Legal counseling in DECO and in a private office; leading and managing a team of young lawyers in DECO; attending Law workshops in DECO ; college professor in ISCTEM ; leader of the study plan of the Law course in ISCTEM; attending Law workshops in ISCTEM; teaching Transports Law, Work Law , Human Resources, Commercial Law and Management of Complaints classes in IPTRANS; adult training in Qualifica Center as a trainer; Validation and Certification (RVCC); teaching at basic and secondary level; coordenation of the student Exchange program between Portugal and France in VET